Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Happy Birthday to me...Again

I have reunited with my camera base and so bring you these pictures...

Technically this is not my birthday...Kristin and I wandered around these parks while Bella was at a birthday party for one of her friends. There is a cool story about the trees in the first park...originally it was just a farm and the farmer agreed to allow the freighters from the nearby port to offload their ballast at his farm so that they could pick up their new loads...and along with all the dirt and sand they were using as ballast came seeds and different kinds of plants. So this farm has all kinds of strange trees that don't normally grow in Norway. Like this one...

Then we went to this really peaceful English style park and just sat and talked for a while, ate some icecream, drank some coffee, wandered around, looked at the names people carved into this row of trees...

Now, on to the birthday. Kristin and I went to this awesome wool factory where they make felt and yarn and blankets and what have you. It is right next to this painfully cute town where we found an antique barn that was in serious need to repair as the majority of the floor felt like another 2 pounds would bring the whole thing down...so that added an extra element of excitement to the hunt.
This is the wool factory. It was abandoned and two women bought it extremely cheaply, fixed it up and started producing again, but in much smaller quantities.

Then we came home, watched Johnny Depp for three hours and then went to dinner at Patrick's. We sat outside as the weather is fantastic and ended up collecting a strange and rather motley crew by the end. All in all, a very satisfying day. Not to mention that I got free cake and icecream.

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